Unlimited recruitment and hiring opportunities exist through digital marketing

The combination of skyrocketing demand for defense and technology sector employees and the post-pandemic reality of remote recruitment and evaluation have made digital marketing a key component to building out workforces in the United States and beyond.

Tens of billions more dollars are flooding the defense industry each year, and as overall national spending in the sector nears $1 trillion annually, it’s incumbent on industry leaders to not only hire the right people to lead them into the next decades of growth, but to bring them on board as efficiently as possible. Read more

What Do Job Seekers Care About Most in 2022?

As we move into the year 2022, it’s clear that employees and job seekers hold the power. December 2021 left us with 4.6 million more job openings than unemployed workers, and workers are not shy about leaving their jobs to find more fitting roles.

If companies want to attract the best talent, they must understand what workers care about most in 2022. This year is about shining the spotlight on employee needs and desires — because if a potential employer doesn’t offer enough, job seekers know they can look elsewhere.

So, what are job seekers looking for in 2022 and beyond? Read more