What is your story?

The Art of Storytelling: Connecting with Your Audience Online

No matter how hard people try, effective communication is often a huge struggle. The effects of this can lead to lost business opportunity, broken relationships, even injury or death. Not communicating well is a really big deal; so how do we get better? Read more

Alabama Millenial Infographic

Get to know the Alabama millennial [Infographic]

There is a lot of (mis)information out there about millennials. We’ve all heard it and read it: millennials are slackers, entitled, un-loyal to brands, they have no respect for the process of things, they can’t take constructive criticism…etc. Do a quick Google search on “millennials” and watch as the search results and stories covering the above topics just keep going on and on, page after page. Read more

Photobomb: 6 Missed Opportunities for Photo + Video SEO

When it comes to online content, people love it when you paint them a picture.

Take, for example, the popularity of infographics – since 2010, searches for infographics have jumped 800%. How about video? In February alone, over 233 million Americans watched videos online. Read more