How to Recruit Nursing Students to Work at Your Hospital

There’s no doubt that our country is experiencing a significant nursing shortage. Demand was already growing before the pandemic, and now it’s even greater. Older nurses are retiring, and the Baby Boomer generation will soon have higher healthcare needs as they age.

What does this mean for hospitals and other nursing recruitment and hiring decision-makers? For one, it means that they will have to work hard to attract high-quality nurses to their facilities. And a great way to do that is by getting the attention of nursing students as they prepare to enter the workforce. Read more

The Best Social Media Platforms for Recruiting Nurses

Just like everyone else, nurses use social media. A study found that 84.5% of healthcare professional participants said social media positively influenced their practice. The primary reasons for using social media included networking, receiving work-related messages, keeping up with the news, and leisure.

And with the chronic nursing shortage, companies need to consider creative ways to attract and recruit nurses. With targeted nursing and advertising, you can reach nurses where they spend time online.

So, which social media platforms are best for reaching and recruiting nurses? Let’s take a look. Read more

What Do Nurses Really Want from Their Employers to Be Happy?

A 2020 Gallup poll showed that Americans gave nurses the highest ratings as an occupational group for honesty and ethics. This increased trust makes sense, especially following the pandemic where we all saw healthcare workers’ incredible sacrifice in action.

However, levels of nurse burnout have also skyrocketed. More than ever before, healthcare organizations should be asking questions like, “what do nurses want?” and “what do nurses need to stay fulfilled in their jobs?”

These are crucial concerns for healthcare recruiters and HR departments. As nurses look for new employers to start entering the workforce post-schooling, they’ll be extra watchful for job aspects that matter most to them. Read more